The Locked-In Traveler: Californian Friendship


The Locked-In Traveler

(Kati’s Wheelchair Traveling Journals)

Californian Friendship

(Click here for audio version)

After I became paralyzed, some friends just faded away. However, others reached out to me. It is just how it is; you win some you lose some. Trust me; it is not a phenomenon that only people that are struck by tragedy must go through. It is how life works, and it happens to all of us.

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The Locked-In Traveler: The Longtail Boat


The Locked-In Traveler

(Kati’s Wheelchair Traveling Journals)

The Longtail Boat

(Click here for audio version)

Our stay in Phuket, Thailand in winter 2001 was one of the sun, sand, and sea. The opposite of the gray, snow, and cold of back home. We did not do anything more but drink, eat, and enjoy the warm weather. The only thing we saw in two weeks was the hotel and the surrounding areas. Well, except for a two-hour trip to the city center and a night out to see Phuket Fantasia, which is the city’s biggest show in town.

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The Locked-In Traveler: Road Trip


The Locked-In Traveler

(Kati’s Wheelchair Traveling Journals)

European Road Trip

(Click here for audio version)

I cannot be spontaneous anymore. In my state, I cannot just to jump into a car and go unless it is a place very near. We must plan or at least think about where and when well, before picking up the keys. Major issues that we must consider are; timetables, assistants schedules, accessibility, and restrooms.

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The Locked-In Traveler: Grandfather´s house


The Locked-In Traveler

(Kati’s Wheelchair Traveling Journals)

Grandfather´s house

(Click here for audio blog)

Even though I am born in Finland, I never liked the cold at all. People here in Finland have a saying; “It is not cold; you are just not well dressed.” I have my own saying; “no matter how nice you color coat it, no matter how well you dress, it does not change the fact that it is freezing cold.”

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Celebrating 25 Years of Locked-In Syndrome (Tribute to a Wonderful Life)


Celebrating 25 Years of Locked-In Syndrome

(Tribute to a Wonderful Life)

(Click here for audio version)

January 10th, 2020, is the 25th anniversary of the stroke. An average cerebral infarction takes about six minutes. Mine took over twenty hours. In all this time, the doctors could not figure out what was going on with me. They ruled stroke out because the thinking at the time was that; only people over forty years get brain infarcts. I was only twenty years old at the time. 

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The Locked-In Traveler: Pool Pleasure


The Locked-In Traveler

(Kati’s Wheelchair Traveling Journals)

Pool Pleasure

(Click here for audio version)

Going to pool is my favorite therapy because usually, my body feels heavy but, in the water, I feel weightless.

The swimming pool at the therapy center does not have a ramp, but a chair with a small crane. By the pool, the therapist first puts the floating device around my waist. Then I am transferred from my wheelchair to the pool chair, and then I am lowered into the pool.

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